Social Media Strategy and Editorial Plan

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Social Media Strategy and Editorial Plan

Post by phonedata »

Here, then, is how to build an Editorial Plan from 0 to 100 :

First, it will be important to define the publishing platforms ;
Then, we will have to insert the type of content that makes up our Social Media Strategy and
The frequency of publication , which can be defined on a weekly or monthly basis;
For each content, it will czech telephone numbers be necessary to determine the reference KPIs of the same and that will allow us to understand if that content has performed or not, so as to understand what can be done to improve.
The Editorial Plan also allows us to monitor the progress of the strategy and optimize the work , with a complete vision of our Social Media Strategy.

Editorial Plan and Editorial Calendar: the differences
Here is the main difference between Editorial Plan and Editorial Calendar : The Editorial Calendar is the operational translation of the Editorial Plan and is used to precisely plan all the contents that will be published, specifying:

Publication day;
Publish time;
Link back to the content itself, so you can find it easily;
Content benchmark KPIs (e.g. comments, shares, saves, reactions)
Content status, if it is an Editorial Calendar for a client: pending approval by the client, approved, scheduled and published.
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