if potential users cannot get it easily. That’s why every library should be distributed. In this article, I show you how and where you can publish your libraries in the most efficient way.
Karol Wrótniak Karol Wrótniak
Mobile Developer
How to distribute Android libraries
view rawbuild.gradle hosted with by GitHub
We can specify explicit URLs but for most of numero bulgarie the popular repos, Gradle has dedicated methods. Ideally (for users), a library should be available on Maven Central or JCenter. They usually have those repositories already defined. Each repository increases dependency resolution time and of course requires a little bit more of buildscript code.
Let’s check a few ways how to make your library available.
Maven Central
Maven Central repo is usually the best one from user’s perspective. The vast majority of popular libraries are hosted there so usually it is already declared in buildscript, there is no need to add any repository URL. Moreover, Maven Central have many mirror servers making it highly accessible.
Even the best library is barely usable
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