I must admit that I have never been a big fan of numbers. When I started my college degree, one of the reasons that led me to choose communications was the belief that it would be a great path for someone who was not comfortable with calculations – a typical mistake of a young college student.
However, as I continued to study and delve deeper into the area, I began to understand that numbers are true allies in any planning. After all, how can I know if I'm on the right track if I can't measure the results?
Well, understanding the importance of numbers and data is one thing. Feeling confident working with them is quite another.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
In this article, I want to share a little about what I did to overcome my limitations with numbers and become a fully data-driven professional , and apply this to agency management.
I'll also show you how you can do the same and, if you want, how to get some extra help with exclusive management software for agencies.
Let's go!
Why and how should I use data to manage my agency?
Among the most common errors observed in agencies , the lack of assertiveness in defining prices for the services offered and the challenges in dividing operational costs stand out, which ends up harming the stability of the financial projection.
Furthermore, the difficulty in measuring certain data and the lack of information sharing between teams also contribute to challenging situations.
Amidst this sea of information, establishing metrics and, consequently, measuring them and using them in decision-making is not such a simple task.
There are several simultaneous demands, several collaborators on a single project and, often, very tight deadlines.
Organizing the workflow and making data architects email lists uk manageable offers the opportunity to make more assertive decisions , invest time and resources in optimizing processes and growing the agency.
And the numbers speak for themselves: according to the report Insights-Driven Businesses Set the Pace for Global Growth , companies that adopt a data-driven approach record annual growth of over 30%.
And how can you overcome the common difficulties in most agencies and manage data efficiently to make more assertive decisions? This is where implementing software can be of great help.
Adopting a system focused on agency management can contribute to:
Process automation.
Improved decision making.
Financial control.
Improved team management.
Improved customer relations.
Data storage security.
I have faced countless challenges trying to measure data effectively and establish clear goals in my professional career.
When I first came into contact with iClips in 2019, the first thing I thought was: \”How great it would have been to know about this tool sooner\”.
Through it, I discovered a way to see new opportunities, leaving aside my insecurity and diving headfirst into the universe of data-driven analysis.
Making data-driven management even simpler
Well, iClips is nothing more than specific software for agency management that encompasses all sectors in one place.
By cross-referencing data, with more than 40 reports available, it provides the possibility of clearly visualizing some situations that we normally consider almost impossible to measure.
I will give some examples:
Measurement of time invested in each demand
The time invested in a project cannot always be measured accurately, which makes planning more complex and can result in pricing below the actual cost.
That's why one of the features I like most about iClips is the timesheet , which simply and accurately calculates how much time a collaborator dedicates to each stage of the project.
Who has never concluded that a design piece could be made “quickly”, only to discover that it was much more complex than expected, with countless requests for adjustments from the client?
In fact, rework can also be accounted for in the system , which allows an agreement between the agency and the client, establishing a limit on the number of reworks or charging for them.
This way, you can ensure that your team's work is optimized and, through reports such as the duration of activities and the number of monthly reworks, further automate your processes.
Cost calculation in a project, taking into account the hourly value of the employees involved
Another common difficulty within agencies is, when determining tasks, stipulating the team involved.
We usually evaluate seniority and the number of demands. But to what extent can the cost of each professional influence the pricing of a project?
For example, assigning certain tasks to junior employees can result in cost savings by allowing senior employees to play more strategic roles on other projects.
By strategically distributing tasks to employees, it is easier to increase the quantity and/or quality level of deliveries, and all of this can be measured through reports within iClips, such as “Activity Duration X Cost”.
Analysis of which clients and projects demand the most time from the team
Anyone who works in customer service knows that there will always be those clients who demand a little more. They ask for more adjustments, take a little longer to approve and end up taking more time than initially planned to execute the project.
That's why one of my favorite reports is the Client Ranking , which allows me to analyze which clients my team spends the most time on and whether or not that client has actually been profitable.
With time optimization being one of the main factors in the search for data-driven management, integration between departments is a unique differentiator.
However, this strategy should not be limited to departments alone, but also to communication with customers.
Saving hours waiting for a response on WhatsApp, a simple “ok” by email or even an exclusive meeting for approval helps – a lot – to consolidate processes.
The Customer Communication Module offers the possibility to involve customers in your team's workflow, allowing them to approve or request adjustments directly through the platform.