After completing the work on drawing up strategic plans, they begin to analyze the actual personnel composition, which takes place in several steps:
Step 1. Determine the real (actual) number of employees at the start of planning. Not only permanent employees are taken into account, but also those who were hired temporarily, for example, to perform seasonal work.
Step 2. Determine the deviation of the actual number from the planned number, which is reflected in the staffing schedule. The formula used for calculations is:
∆Чв — deviation of the actual number of employees from the planned number.
Чп — planned number. Data is taken from the staffing table.
Чф — actual (real) number.
Based on the calculation results, a conclusion can be italy business mailing list made about the deficit or shortage of personnel in the company. To calculate the optimal number of employees, you can use a modernized formula, which looks like this:
∆Чв — deviation of the actual number from the standard number.
CF - actual number.
CHOF is the number of employees on a regular basis.
N/A is the regular number of service personnel.
Chor is the number of full-time workers.
Kvp is the coefficient of fulfillment of the production plan.
Methods of population size analysis
Step 3. At this stage of personnel planning, the specific weight of each category of employees (employees, workers, specialists) from the total number of employees is determined. To determine the staffing of a particular workplace, you can use the formula:
Ku is the staffing coefficient.
Chf - real number.
Krm is the number of jobs.
Ks is the shift coefficient.
Step 4. Analysis of data that reflects the number of employees who left the company due to retirement age, conscription into the army, expiration of an employment contract, layoffs, or voluntary resignation.
Some changes in the workforce can be predicted: for example, the retirement age of an employee is known in advance. To determine the number of employees who leave voluntarily, statistical data for several previous years are used.
For convenience, when carrying out such calculations, the formula for the natural loss coefficient is used:
Чвыб — the number of employees who left the company due to natural causes during the year.
Чп — the required number of workers at the end of the year.
It is important to thoroughly investigate the reasons that forced the employee to leave work or be absent for disrespectful reasons.
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Calculation of planned requirements
In the process of personnel planning, it is necessary to calculate the planned need for labor. Various methods are used for this purpose. They are selected depending on the amount of available information and the skill level of the employee who carries out this work.
The most common methods are presented in the table.
Methods for determining planned labor requirements
Method Description
Correlation-regression Modeling the mathematical dependence of possible changes in the number of employees on various aspects. Expressed by a regression equation depending on the number of influencing parameters:
Чп = a+b×x_1+c×x_2+m×x_n,
where a is a constant, b, c, m are coefficients that take into account the degree of influence of each factor, x is the real value of the factors.
Expert assessments Based on the opinion of competent experts. In case of uncertainty that may arise when choosing an option, special formulas or the Delphi method are used, which helps to find the optimal value.
Extrapolation Transferring past trends to the future. The method is simple, but excludes the possibility of taking into account future changes in the company's development process.
Balance sheet method Based on the calculation of the relationship between the resources that the company has available and their needs in the future.
Method of comparisons It is based on the analysis of similar numbers of competitors or partners.
Calculation from the achieved The staffing level is determined using a simple mathematical operation: the actual number of employees is multiplied by the planned index.
The staffing level is determined using a simple mathematical operation: the actual number of employees is multiplied by the planned index.
The total labor requirement is calculated using the formula:
Op - need for employees.
Tpch is the need to attract people to perform current tasks.
Dpch - the need for personnel for new projects or in case of an increase in the capacity of the enterprise.
When conducting personnel planning, the current need is determined by the number of planned vacancies. Additional need includes: