#23: Test the most important elements The biggest details like CTA button colors and font styles. That’s because there are plenty of articles published by companies saying they increased conversions by 3 million percent after adding an exclamation point! Nonsense, of course. You won't influence discerning business partners by choosing some "psychological" background color (contrast is much more important than individual color choices). You're going to influence these people by appealing to their needs as a buyer and showing that you can solve their business problems.
Start by testing different variations of your page content greece whatsapp number to determine which message is the most compelling and clickable. Do the same with your CTAs - test different variations of the CTA copy because that's what has the most impact. Button colors can wait. At the same time, you want to remove as many barriers to conversion as possible. We’re talking about things like slow loading times, poor navigation, responsive design issues, and other serious UX issues that are preventing potential leads from converting. You can then start looking at finer details, like CTA placement, to determine where they're most effective - and this is another task where heat maps are invaluable.
Eventually, you may reach a point where you’re fairly confident that your copy can’t be improved any further and that there won’t be any more UX issues that will hinder conversion. You may even reach a point where you consider your mockups to be as effective as possible. And that’s the point where you should probably start thinking about replacing that blue CTA button with a fancy orange one. How many leads can you process? Following the lead generation strategies we have covered in this article, the key question now is how many leads can you handle? There comes a point when you have more leads than your sales process can handle, but there is a solution for this problem.