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This is usually the result of a GET

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 3:32 am
415: “Unsupported media type.” The request contains a media type that the server or resource does not support. The server will not accept the request because the mediatype is not supported.

416: “Range not satisfied.” Your request was for a portion of the resource that the server could not return. The requested byte range is not available and is out of bounds.

417: "Expectation failed." The server cannot meet afghanistan phone number library the requirements specified in the expectation header field of the request. The expectation given in the Expectation request header field could not be met by this server.

422: “Unprocessable entity.” The client request contains semantic errors and the server cannot process it.

425: “Too early.” This code is sent when the server does not want to process a request because it may be replayed.

426: “Escalation required.” Due to the contents of the request's elevation header field, the client must switch to a different protocol.

428: “Precondition required.” The server requires conditions to be specified before processing the request.


429: “Too many requests.” This is generated by the server when a user sends too many requests in a certain amount of time (rate limiting). Sometimes this can be caused by bots or scripts trying to access your site. In this case, you can try changing your WordPress login URL.

431: “The request header fields are too large.” The server cannot process the request because the header fields are too large. This could indicate a problem with a single header field or all of them collectively.

451: “Unavailable for legal reasons.” The server operator received a request to prohibit access to the resource you requested (or a set of resources including the resource you requested).