Next Saturday we have a training “marathon” in Module 9 of Marketing , within the Master of Event Management and Corporate Communication , of the International School of Protocol of Granada . 10 training hours in which we will review the different tools that every marketing campaign for an event must have.
The organization of an event, whatever its nature, requires a regulated strategy in which the details are of vital importance. Any organizer of an event of this type must provide attendees (physical and/or virtual) with a unique experience that invites them to comment on it and, why not, to repeat it in a future edition. To achieve these objectives, there is one aspect of any event that we must not overlook, and that is precisely marketing.
An event, in any of its 3 phases, must be perfectly conducted at a “marketing” level , since a large part of the success that attendees give it will depend on it. But there is a italy telegram mobile phone number list previous step, and that is that the marketing of the 1st phase is fundamental since it will be in charge of presenting the event to society, of filling the capacity, of sowing the desire to attend…
Once we have seen the tools of the phases, in the afternoon session we will carry out a practical workshop related to social networks, where the participants will be divided into groups and will have to establish a digital communication strategy with an assumption.
This 1st face-to-face session of the Marketing Module will kick off this afternoon with the intervention of my friend Agustín Madariaga , with his session: “Data analysis in the Marketing Mix: Big Data and Business Intelligence in Marketing” , where he will review data analysis and customer segmentation, dynamic pricing, personalization of communication and big data, data-based marketing decisions, analysis of a sales network, consumer insights and data analysis, your company's website analyzed with Big Data, data analysis tools related to Marketing: CRM, Big Data, Data Mining, Business Intelligence, technological surveillance and competitive intelligence.
In addition, it will present real cases transformed for educational use and simulated cases to understand the decision-making process and data-based analysis and its applications to the world of marketing. Analysis of a sales network, analysis of customer churn, RFM segmentation, Google and web Big Query, calculation of hotel occupancy forecasts, dynamic pricing, detection of products with price-sensitive or non-price-sensitive consumers.