Podcast Interview Rayko Lorenzo – Onda Delsol

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Podcast Interview Rayko Lorenzo – Onda Delsol

Post by jrine »

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of chatting with my friends from Onda Delsol about Communication, Marketing, Entrepreneurship… and also about my book “Don’t be the best… fight to be different” .

In an agile format, Francisco López , head of the Entrepreneurship Platform “123 Emprende” , and the host of the program Javier , asked me a series of very interesting questions about the business world in general and that of the entrepreneur in particular. We talked about the importance of Communication, both internal and external, about success stories in this area, giving examples of several companies that are doing it very well.

Communication provides a competitive advantage that brands must take advantage of. What's more, if well-planned work is done in this area, the company will be better known, more valued, respected... Salespeople will even have a new sales tool.

Unfortunately, even today, Communication and Marketing are often the branches that are cut back the most, or lose the most importance when there are economic or sales problems in companies. It should be exactly the opposite, betting on strengthening these areas to minimize or put an end to these problems…

The arrival of social networks, blogs israel telegram mobile phone number list and websites has caused a “tsunami” of information that has often become “toxinformation”.

Orchestrated communication will allow us to differentiate ourselves from the rest, stand out, and be more valued.

As I said at the beginning, I also talk about my book, who it is aimed at, its themes, the reason for its title, what led me to write it... and so on.

I want you to listen to the interview… “This is all I can write” . I would like to thank Francisco for the invitation to his programme, and I hope that we can meet again soon.
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