Google announces more accurate data in its search analytics report

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Google announces more accurate data in its search analytics report

Post by pappu6329 »

Google announces more accurate data in its search analysis report , the news was published on the official Google Webmaster Tools blog , they achieved these advances after months of testing to make their service much more efficient, from Web Positioning Salamanca we give you all the details on this topic, this new report will finally replace the search queries report in three months.

What's New in Webmaster Tools
The new report in your search analytics shows basically the same thing as the search queries report, which was the one used before, plus it will give you a lot more data and other filter options . We already mentioned that Google has been working on this for some time, in January they did an alpha test with webmasters, then other tests were done in February and finally in mid-April.

This announcement by Google of more accurate data in its canada telegram data search analytics report means that data and statistics will now be much more accurate and calculated differently. It allows you to break down or decompose your site's search data and filter it in many different ways, with the intention of allowing for more accurate analysis.

Google explained that this new product is for all those who manage a Web site, who understand that they need to understand more about how users find their site and how their content appears in search results on this engine. So far this report is one of the most used tools in Google Webmaster Tools.

Google thinking about its users
This new report from Google Webmaster Tools will allow you to make the most of the analysis of traffic to your website. It is worth noting that you will be able to compare mobile traffic to your website before and after April 21, the day that is considered a milestone in which Google began penalizing sites not optimized for mobile devices , and you will be able to see how this has affected traffic.

Post: Google confirms broad update to core algorithm
In the statement announcing the launch of this more precise data in its search analytics report, Google recalled that over time they received feedback and requests from users regarding the need for some changes ; they responded to one of those requests, which was the possibility of comparing traffic from computers with mobile traffic; another advance is the possibility of comparing metrics from different countries.

Another of the advances is that if you have an international website, you will be able to discover the countries where people search the most for your brand , you can choose “impressions” as your metric, you can also filter by the name of your brand, and group the results by country. All of this will be very useful to improve your web positioning .

All these analyses, apart from helping you with web positioning , will also allow you to make the best decisions to achieve good performance for your website, making it more user-friendly.

Google's clarifications on these new features
Google clarifies that the results of this tool may not match those of another tool, this is because they seek to protect the privacy of their users, the difference in data processing, the definition of keywords is different in the different tools, they also say that there may be delays between the moment the figures are calculated and the moment they are visible to webmasters; the time zone will also have an influence on the differences in results.

We already mentioned that what you will see in the search analysis report will be more precise than in the old report, here are the differences with the previous report , which Google indicates:

Impression counts for individual pages are combined.
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