Techniques for ASO positioning

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Techniques for ASO positioning

Post by pappu6329 »

Many people believe that SEO is only for websites, when in fact this strategy can also be implemented for mobile applications. This is known as ASO positioning techniques . On this occasion, from Web Positioning Salamanca we will give you several of them so that you can become an expert.

ASO positioning and competitiveness
ASO positioning, also known as mobile app optimization, seeks to give visibility to apps. It is used in stores such as App or Play Store. For this type of strategy, it is necessary to know the target audience.

This helps you choose the right words so that when searching, your application is one of the first to appear. However, this is not the only aspect that must be taken into account.

Achieving ASO positioning has become more complicated over the years . New applications cambodia telegram lead are coming out on the market every day, making it a very competitive field. This means that you have to work much harder to stand out among all the options available to users.

The development of applications has been greatly influenced by the use of mobile devices. Companies realize that it is a profitable market, but one that requires investment of time and effort.

Users tend to be very demanding, so innovation is one of the ways to stay current. However, mobile applications are sometimes a matter of trial and error, so companies are constantly working to offer consumers a better product.

Important factors in ASO positioning
Having a good ASO positioning is a task that you have to work on constantly. Since, as we mentioned before, the market can be very competitive. In this area, there are different factors that you have to be aware of.

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The goal of ASO positioning is to increase the conversion rate. In other words, if your mobile app has better visibility, users are more likely to decide to download and use it.

The Tool is a very famous platform in Spain used for ASO positioning. They held a workshop that included the participation of 60 experts in this area and the data they had.

The study is called ASO Factors and Trends. It concluded that the 5 most important aspects in this type of positioning are:

The name of the mobile application. This should be easy to remember, so that the search will be easier for the user.
Mobile app title.
A well-defined description. This should be clear and briefly explain the function of the application.
Customer ratings. The percentage obtained is decisive for users to download it.
Good reviews. Users check out other people's reviews and recommendations to download the app.
Techniques for ASO positioning
ASO positioning is a task that requires a lot of attention and work. You have to be constantly updating and taking into account consumer preferences. However, there are some techniques that can greatly benefit your mobile application if you start implementing them now. Below we will tell you about some of them.

Optimize according to the platform your mobile app is on
The most popular platforms for hosting mobile applications are Google Play and the App Store . Each of them takes into account different aspects for positioning.

Therefore, you need to know which platform your app will be on so that the optimization is the most successful. In the case of Google Play, the following are taken into account:

Title: This should be short and contain the keyword.
Description: must have at least 350 words and without overloading with the Keyword.
Attractive icon: It is directly related to the number of people who download your app.
Category and specifications: Be specific about your app so there is no confusion. Define the category well and use screenshots or even a video to show how to use it.
Reviews: High reviews and ratings improve your ranking and the number of downloads.
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