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Showing current objects with IoT:

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 8:23 am
by Sgfujfg
Large lists of objects are launched in the world that apply in this field, and by 2025 it is estimated that there will be 41,600 million connected devices on the planet that will manifest themselves in the Worldwide Global DataSphere IoT, and our main advances will be in what a:

Smart Home: Home devices with motion sensors for automatic advertising database control of lights, as well as temperature and humidity sensors and constant switching and evolution of intelligent devices such as Alexa, Google Nest, and others.

Autonomous Vehicles: This technological sector has important steps in its development and although there are tenemos present in point cases like the autonomous driving of Tesla, hay mucho camino por recorrer, veremos more significantly futurists in this type of cars.

Particularly we can mention a lot more as for example the large apuesta that was taken to the cable to create a traffic red in time actually connected to the cars, some trucks like buses with the aim of reducing the accidentalidad, among others.

Robots Aspiradora: The vacuum cleaners always have great friends for cleaning, but they normally depend on human intervention from their origin until they reach the robot vacuum cleaners, equipped with a large number of sensors, placed in the scanner and connected so that they can be carried out in a completely autonomous mode. Processes, algo parecido sucede with the automatic cortacésped that work in a similar way in our garden.
At the end of the decade we hope that everything has been completely connected to the network, and therefore it is of great importance to those who are connected to 5G and therefore no, the link to LiFi is the same.

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