Because it's so hard to stay upith the changes. If there's black hat stuff going on, or gray hat stuff going on, you're not just going to find on aebsite. So you need to have like an inside man. You need to know the founders of the tools, and all that kind of stuff. So, one of the things I'm trying to sayith that is just, so fast and so much, they need to have somebody on the insights on the specific area of marketing.
They're just like tried to makeork for your business. CL: Yeah, makes russia phone number format sense. Stapho: Another implication of this is just that since everything is changing so fast, you need to have an overarching framework that allows you to pick and choose your tactics, right? You can't just be like, "Oh, I'm going to do LinkedIn and my business going to be successful." No, you got to have your overarching framework. I think for startups,hich I think is most of the audience that you're going to have here, the growth hacking framework, using rapid experimentation, using pirate metrics, all this kind of stuff.
I think that is the gold standard right now, and it's going to stay the gold standard for ahile. But I also think there's other frameworks that are a little bit more old school thate should not lose track of. For example, I'm a huge, huge fan of the system B2B marketing developed by André Skagervik,hich is actuallyhat I've been helping TK apply for his business. The system B2B marketing framework is just basically the old school marketing, but by going scientifically through every step.
it's getting so specific and it's changing
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- Joined: Sun Dec 22, 2024 4:06 am