Save your projects
The advantage of Exploding Topics over Google Trends is that you can add these topics to your “My Projects” folder and track them within the tool instead of going through the entire research process every time you want to see the latest data. To add these trends to your projects, simply click the “Track Topic” button.
Report Library
The report library is what sets Exploding Topics apart from the competition. on a weekly basis. These reports are written by professionals who have done extensive research and provide explanations for each trend. You then have the option to view Meta Trends, which cover a wide range of popular subtopics.
Good news: You don't have to create an egypt phone number code account to access thousands of trends in the Trends Database. But if you subscribe to Exploding Topics Pro, you can get access to premium features. With an intuitive interface and clear visual representations of emerging trends.
Community Management is a fundamental discipline for creating and managing a solid community. Let's delve into it together!
There is often a conception that the community manager only deals with responding to messages under the posts of a social profile. In reality it is much more! In fact, it is a real discipline aimed at the interaction between users and the brand. The community is fundamental for a brand, in fact, it can be considered as an asset of the brand, or a resource.
Today we will see what is meant by the term Community Management and then we will provide you with 3 principles and 3 tips to build a solid community.