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Challenges and best practices for SMEs in the introduction of AI

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 7:49 am
by mouakter13
More and more companies that want to increase their operational efficiency are now relying on AI solutions. Large corporations started the move to artificial intelligence, but small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are quickly following suit.

According to a survey conducted in 2023, three-quarters of all SMEs are already using AI solutions. In addition, more than 90 percent of respondents agreed that AI tools would save costs and time and maximize profitability.

introduction of AI solutions

Aside from automating routine tasks, AI systems can help small and italy girl whatsapp numbermedium-sized businesses improve the customer experience and their decision-making processes. They also enable them to create forecasts around cash flow, sales and demand, and are even able to identify fraudulent transactions, human errors and unusual activities. Companies that adopt AI tools also benefit from significant cost savings.

And the numbers prove it: As one study showed, the probability of profit growth increased by 12 percentage points among companies that used AI solutions compared to those that did not use them.

Nevertheless, 90 percent of SME managers said they faced obstacles when introducing AI into their business processes. It is about much more than simply creating a marketing email with ChatGPT and Midjourney at the touch of a button.

In this article, we look at the biggest challenges SMEs face when adopting AI and some effective methods to overcome them.

Introduction of AI technologies: challenges for SMEs
From accounting and inventory management to marketing and customer support , AI tools trained through machine learning can have a positive impact on a wide range of business areas. But while many small and medium-sized companies are aware of the benefits of AI, they often lack the resources and technical know-how to successfully implement AI projects. They do not have the budget required to develop their own AI systems or to hire AI experts to manage the implementation and use of AI tools.

For example, not knowing how to use AI tools is holding 47 percent of those responsible in SMEs back from taking this step. Other challenges cited include incompatibility with existing systems (31 percent) and security and data protection concerns (26 percent).