Some Success Metrics to Consider on Social Media

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Some Success Metrics to Consider on Social Media

Post by phonedata »

2 Social Media Metrics That Are Easy to Confuse: Reach and Impressions
Reach is the total number of unique users who have seen your content. Unique users refers to the total number of individual people. In particular, this metric is useful for understanding the size of your audience and how widely your message is distributed.

Impressions instead indicate the number czech republic reverse phone lookup of times your content has been viewed . Content can mean both a story and a post or an ad. In this case , the impression will be calculated not based on clicks, but on screen views.

This metric is very useful especially when the goal of your strategy is to reach the greatest number of people possible. So it is not based on clicks or interactions, but on simple viewing.

How to distinguish them?
Reach is therefore the count of the total number of people who have seen what you have published. Regardless of how many times they have seen it , the count will remain 1 for a single user. So for example if you have 100 followers and you publish a post that all your followers will see, you will have 100 views (reach).

For impressions , on the other hand, we calculate the total number of times the content is viewed , even without the user interacting with it. So to follow the example above, if you have 100 followers and they all see your content twice, you will have 200 impressions.
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