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We’ll be using a small dataset of nearly

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:44 am
by phonedata
Finally, the well-known author, lecturer and mind reader David Meade presented "Mind Your Business". In a very entertaining way he took up challenges from everyday marketing and sales life and offered psychologically based solutions. He used examples to demonstrate how all of us process information and how much is lost in the process.

In this blog we’ll explore factors affecting property prices in Melbourne.35,000 records taken from properties sold in Melbourne over a two year period up to March 2018.

We’ll show some interesting cyprus mobile number example exploratory analysis of property price factors and we’ll use the mapping and expression tools to show some fascinating analysis. We’ll also finish up by using the predictive modelling functionality to explore what makes a property expensive.

The data
We’ve downloaded this dataset from Kaggle (1) comprising properties sold in Melbourne between January 2016 and March 2018. For each record, we have information about how much the property sold for, together with a number of factors of information about the property. These include geographical indicators such as suburb, latitude and longitude, property specific information such as land size, building size, number of rooms, and sale specific information such as the agent and the date of the sale.