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Each project and development team

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:21 am
by rakibhasanbd4723
At Droids On Roids, we use for continuous integration and continuous deployment of our mobile projects. In order to do its job efficiently, Bitrise needs to be configured properly. Let’s take a look at how we did that in one of our recent Android projects!

may have different needs. There is no bulgaria mobile number silver bullet that suits all the projects in the world. Workflows mentioned in this article are not meant to be copy-pasted but rather should be treated as examples and bases for customizations.

Kinds of workflows
We can divide workflows into groups basing on their purpose. For example, we can have the following groups in the given app:

new/updated pull request – we want to verify it
pull request verified successfully – we want to deploy a test/staging variant of the app
milestone/sprint finished – we want to deploy a production variant of the app
Verification workflows
During verification, we usually perform unit tests and static code analysis. Instrumentation and/or UI tests may also be included but they often take much more time than the latter. Different kinds of checks may be performed in parallel using Start Build and Wait for Build steps.