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Evaluation of the effectiveness of business development strategy

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:41 am
by Mimakte
The key method for this is to compare actual parameters with planned ones. It is important to set deadlines and precise indicators of planned financial and economic results at the launch stage.

If deviations from the established criteria are significant, it is necessary to review the approved strategy or adjust it taking into account unexpected changes in external factors. Thus, the pandemic has significantly affected the promotion methods of many brands. It turns out that the analysis of efficiency can be carried out in a planned manner or spontaneously (in response to force majeure).

When assessing performance, it is necessary to consider the impact of the chosen strategy on the implementation of tasks at different levels: long-term, short-term and urgent. The relationship kuwait whatsapp numbers between these factors helps to analyze the dynamics of business development taking into account internal and external criteria:

the validity period of the strategic plan (time from the launch date);

accuracy of data when evaluating results (for example, deviations are possible due to calculation errors and human factors);

compliance of the strategy with external environmental conditions (the implemented program may lose relevance under the influence of an unforeseen change in consumer demand).


The effectiveness of the implemented development plan is usually measured as a percentage of the planned indicators. This allows determining the need to make changes to the strategy. When re-launching it, additional risks are taken into account and a shorter period for analyzing the effectiveness is envisaged.

Mistakes in the development and implementation of business development strategy
Effective management requires understanding the typical mistakes that occur during the strategy development and implementation stages in order to avoid them in the future.

The strategy is not realized by its bearer
This problem is typical for small and micro businesses.

The actions of the manager serve as an example for others, while he manages based on intuition and personal perception of the current moment. In this situation, the development policy is not formalized. The employees, and the manager himself, cannot clearly explain its essence.

The strategy includes contradictory provisions
Often businessmen try to include many goals and objectives in the company's development policy, trying to embrace all directions at the same time. Such maximalism rarely leads to success, since in practice it is impossible to do.

The essence of a strategic plan is to concentrate efforts and resources on the main areas of business. At the same time, the tasks may not complement each other, but contradict themselves.

The strategic plan is not synchronized among the carriers
Each enterprise is a branched structure, including line personnel, managers and owners. In this regard, before starting to implement a business development strategy, it is important to coordinate its vision among all key participants to ensure a uniform understanding of its provisions.

Each employee is responsible for their own area and strives to ensure that the implementation of the general plan takes into account their interests. Everyone has their own vision of the goals and prospects of the business, so it is important to reach a consensus.

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The strategic development plan is not formalized and not documented.
In business, all agreements are formalized, but this rarely applies to internal agreements. As a result, the strategy often exists only in the minds of employees, and not on paper. This is what hinders its implementation. The traditions of formalizing internal decisions and agreements in companies are not yet developed, so it is important to begin implementing this approach.

The strategy is abstract and does not correspond to reality
Often, the development policy of companies is based on hackneyed phrases like “high productivity,” “market leadership,” etc. Everyone understands such formulations in their own way, which creates confusion and uncertainty. To avoid this, the strategy should clearly spell out specific actions of all employees aimed at achieving common goals. Everyone should clearly understand wha