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Redirects between multiple pages.

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:35 am
by tanjilaakter0011
Portal structure
30% of the final evaluation of the site concerns its structure. The tool performs a complete scan of the page to analyze all the components (images, scripts, style sheets, etc.) and generates a score for each rule philippines phone number list and provides an overall grade . Here is some of the information you can get:

Image optimization.
Minify CSS and JavaScript.
Effective cache policies.
Using CDN .
Gzip compression .
Optimizing HTTP requests.
Header expiration indications.
In short, here you have a series of basic information to improve on-page activity. Technically defining a series of steps that can often significantly improve navigation.

A recent GTmetrix update detects HTTP/2 usage, so the report doesn't flag unnecessary errors like the use of CSS sprites and inline CSS and JavaScript, which are typical problems for HTTP/1 connections.


Google Web Vitals
Another section of Gtmetrix is ​​dedicated to an in-depth analysis of Web Vitals, a set of metrics useful for evaluating the experience of your page. Each metric indicated in the tool represents a decisive aspect of the experience of the page: loading, interactivity and visual stability. Here we have:

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP).
Total Blocking Time (TBT).
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).
By clicking on the performance label, you can expand this section and dive deeper into the performance of internal activities using performance data from Lighthouse and those recorded by the browser.