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Basic guide to marketing automation in Mailchimp

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:18 am
by mouakter12
Last May, MailChimp, the newsletter sending tool par excellence, announced that it was going to include the automation tool in its free plan ' Forever Free ', which until then had only been available in the paid versions. This step encouraged many to enter the world of marketing automation , despite not knowing very well what it consisted of.

Marketing automation has many advantages as long as you know how to do it, which is why we have created this basic guide to marketing automation in MailChimp so that beginners in this field can learn how to get the most out of it.

1. The first step, of course, is to have a MailChimp account. Once inside the tool, go to the Campaigns tab and click on the Create Campaign button . A window will open with two options: Create an email or Create an ad . Click on the first one and a new window will appear with a menu in which you must select Automated .

2. Once we get to the Automated section , we will have several options: from automatic emails to welcome new subscribers to automated birthday greetings. To start with something simple, we select the Welcome new subscribers option . With this option, what you can do is create a welcome message that will be automatically sent to each of the new subscribers to your newsletter.

You may have seen the friendly mascot or come across this network at some point, but you are not quite sure what Reddit is and what it is used for. It is a site with more than 150 million page views per month, so it can certainly do a lot for your traffic. Although it is not a very well-known network in Spain, if we work in international areas or in the business mailing lists poland United States, this website can be essential to boost our strategy.


The fourth most popular website in the United States

What is Reddit.png

The order is this: Google, YouTube, Facebook and Reddit. According to Alexa , it is the fourth most popular website in the United States, above sites like Amazon, Yahoo, Twitter or Wikipedia. In addition, it also highlights the strong engagement it has with its users. The average time a user spends on this network is 16:01 minutes. That is, 56% more than on Facebook (10:14 minutes) and 77% more than on YouTube (8:55 minutes).

"The average time a user spends on Reddit is 16:01 minutes. That's 56% longer than Facebook users and 77% longer than YouTube visitors."

The penetration of this website is so significant in the United States that a wide variety of companies include it in their strategy and many have achieved great success . Even Barack Obama has used this social network to connect with his voters.