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Healthy Food and Hydration

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 4:34 am
by fomayof928@mowline
CBD and exercise
One of the key ways we stay healthy today is by exercising. Many people shy away from exercise, but just 30 minutes of walking a day can help. Yes! A simple walk in a park, around the block, or even on a treadmill has tremendous health benefits. These include better heart health, improved mood, and even smoother skin! CBD has been shown to aid in daily exercise in a number of ways. So, how do CBD and athletic performance fit together?

Most people think CBD makes you sleepy and more relaxed. It does. But example of phone number in philippines only in certain strains. There are two main strains of CBD: Sativa and Indica. Sativa is more of a stimulant, while Indica is more of a sedative. People who use Sativa have reported increased endurance when participating in physical activities such as working out. However, you can also use a broad-spectrum CBD cryo roller to soothe your skin and relieve some of the pain during recovery.


Food is the arch enemy of health these days. It's easy to get high-fat, high-sugar, low-nutrient (but very satisfying) meals delivered to our front doors via food apps. But you need fresh, healthy food as part of your daily wellness practice. Fresh cooking provides the nutrients you need. But cooking is also a skill and a fun activity that helps provide natural serotonin to your system. It's hard to get up and cook when you're stuck.