15 Productivity Podcasts to Motivate You

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15 Productivity Podcasts to Motivate You

Post by jrineakter »

If you walked into a busy Starbucks and asked all the turtleneck-wearing customers if they liked podcasts, how many of them would say yes?

Answer: all

Podcasts are huge, and you probably already knew that. But did you know that there are currently over 2 million shows and 48 million episodes floating around in the podcast universe?

That means there are more podcast episodes than there are kilometers from Earth to Venus.

Luckily, ClickUp is here to help you narrow these numbers down into a manageable list of all-time winners with a list of 15 of our favorite podcasts, the shows that speak to our inner entrepreneur, dreamer, engineer, and fly on the wall. We've even included a few favorites from other members of the ClickUp team.

It's like podcasts understand us , you know?
It's no mystery why people love bulgaria number data podcasts. Whether it's to learn something new, to laugh, or just to hear a familiar voice on a morning walk, there's something special about listening to your favorite podcast.

SNL's Parody of NPR's Delicious Dish, Schweddy Balls

Podcasting was born in 2004, but it only takes one episode to start considering a host your new best friend. In the rollercoaster ride of the past few years, many people have come to rely on those friendly podcast voices as a sense of comfort and connection they can look forward to day after day.

Podcasts are also a great way to multitask.

In fact, 43% of podcasts are listened to at the gym, 37% at work, and 37% on public transport.

Productive people don't just like to meet expectations, they like to exceed them. Washing dishes while listening to an episode about a topic you care about is one of the easiest and most effective ways to feel like you've done something meaningful that day. Or maybe it'll give you the emotional boost you need to start doing that thing you've been putting off for one reason or another.

Plus, there's nothing like that rush of excitement when you hear a really good show for the first time and can't wait to start the next episode. We all love to be hooked. At ClickUp, we love a good podcast. So much so, that we made one ! But more on that in a second.

For now, walk a mile with our AirPods and treat yourself to some of our favorite podcasts.

15 podcasts to queue up for replay
Consider that the rankings of these productivity podcasts are kept loosely - with the exception of the number one, of course - simply because each show has a certain quality that makes it different and unique. Instead, use this list as an opportunity to explore something new or broaden your horizons!

Especially if you've never heard of her, there's a nugget of wisdom and inspiration to be gleaned from every episode, and this is your chance to find out what it might mean to you.
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