A/B testing is a very useful part of many digital marketing platforms and creates the opportunity for ad optimization that can lead to a better return on advertising spend ( ROAS ).
When you're creating ads, whether it's creating eye-catching visuals or writing creative copy, it's not easy to predict which ads will succeed in attracting attention and clicks, and which will be suboptimal. That's where A/B testing comes in.
Find out what exactly A/B testing is and how to implement it in digital marketing below.
What is A/B testing?
Why is A/B testing important?
How to implement A/B testing?
What is A/B testing?
A/B testing is an ad optimization process that involves running two or more versions of an ad simultaneously to determine which version delivers the best results.
It is also called "split testing" and is a functionality offered cp number by every major form of digital PPC advertising .
Using statistical analysis , A/B testing provides valuable insight into which ads actually deliver results and which ones don't. This way, advertising marketers do n't have to rely solely on their intuition, but can use concrete empirical data when planning campaigns.
A/B testing isn't just used in digital advertising. For example, it's often used by developers when adding new features to a website or app by offering one group of users a different interface than the others, and then measuring the effectiveness of the changes.
Why is A/B testing important?
In marketing, we often fall into the trap of relying on our own intuition and experience when creating advertising campaigns. However, in doing so, we risk creating suboptimal ads that will not bring the best possible results, which ultimately creates unnecessary costs for the company.
A/B testing is therefore very important because it helps optimize spending , or focus on those ads that bring the best results.
Sometimes small differences in ads can produce very different results, and the only way to detect this in a timely manner is by using A/B testing, or parallel placement of multiple ad versions.
How to implement A/B testing?
A/B testing in online marketing is a fairly simple and quick process that is enabled by every major advertising platform such as Google and various social networks .
A/B testing – Facebook advertising
When creating an ad on one of the platforms, it is possible to choose the A/B testing option so that the algorithm places two or more versions of the ad to users for a certain period of time . After a certain period of time in which the algorithm collects data on which ads are more effective, an analysis is performed from which it is possible to read the differences in the effectiveness of individual ad versions.
Based on this, you can choose to continue showing only one version – the one that delivers the best results .
A/B testing is therefore a very useful feature that would be a shame not to use, since you don't need to invest a lot of time in creating different variations of the same ad, and the potential benefits are multiple.
Whether it's small changes like a different font color or larger changes like completely different text and images, A/B testing is definitely something you don't want to skip in your marketing campaigns.